
Couples Tournament Semifinal #1

BSF-345_CoverIn the first Quarterfinal, Regine and Brad defeated Jolene and Olivier. In the second, Melanie and Don defeated newly-formed couple Megan and Paul. This week, the two best couples face each other to see who’ll move up to the Grand Finale—and who’ll be eliminated.

And all the pressure is on the guys. They have to prove their love by resisting the other woman for as long as possible.

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Honorable Woman

BSF-324_CoverSince her break-up with her husband Korey, Megan has had difficulties managing her raging libido. Before she faced Mackenzie’s boyfriend Eduardo in a boxing match, she told him she’d fuck him if she won, but left the ring defeated and frustrated.

Now, she gets an unexpected text message and she rushes to the hotel.

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Devil’s Three-Way

BSF-307_CoverRegine’s on the prowl. She wants hot, sweaty sex to try to quench her insatiable libido. She gets to the local watering hole, hoping to find a man who could satisfy her. But when she doesn’t find such a specimen, she remembers the old saying: “Two heads are better than one.”

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Promises Too

BSF-291_CoverWhen Theo wanted to stop Mackenzie’s boxing match against Kandice, Mack begged him not to and promised she’d have sex with him if he let her continue. When the ref pointed out that Meg did the exact same thing a few weeks ago, Mack, who trains with the busty fighter, said she’d sexfight the mega-mammed blonde for his cock.

Theo agreed and Mack won. Now, the college student is qualified for a Title shot, but she must repay her debt promptly.

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