No Rest for the Weary

BSF-228_CoverBWL Champion Megan Maloney came through her first-ever mixed match quite well…but not entirely unscathed. Yes, she successfully defended her Belt and Title from Brad’s challenge, but on the ride home with Korey, the emotional impact of the battle began to sink into her mind. Physically and emotionally drained, Megan decides that all she needs is a good night’s sleep. But there is no rest for the weary.

3 throughts on "No Rest for the Weary"

  1. Again, I have to acknowledge my bias, which is well known, as Megan is my favorite character, so it may seem like hyperbole when I commend your work with anything involving her, but despite this, I am being REALLY sincere when I express my admiration of stories like this.

    This was INCREDIBLY hot to me. I’m really digging these ‘Dream Stories’, because it allows us to see a side of Megan that we are just not privy too regularly…a dark, hidden, side of her that she cannot even consciously admit too.

    Beyond the just smoldering hotness of the sex, which, because of the fantasy conceit, allows you to go much further than you could in a normal BSF story (BlowBangFan should be happy. ^_^;;;), the most engaging element to me is the insight this gives us into the BWL’s most conflicted character and her internal struggle.

    Outwardly, Megan projects an aire of moral haughtiness, which she believes puts her above the other BWL girls. She tries to convince herself that she is in control of her desires and beyond such wanton, amoral, lusts, and as such, is a purer athlete than the participants of the BWL.

    But since becoming involved, she’s had to confront a side of her that she’s long denied and suppressed; Megan is a sexual creature, as most everyone is, and as such, is prone to desires. This is a very natural, healthy, and human thing…even in a mynogomous relationship, the invention of the evolved man, we still struggle with our base desires.

    You can be loyal and in love and still find other people attractive and desirable. Megan, though, has long be taught that such desires are sinful and unclean, and suppressed them…BUT, on some level she must acknowledge that this is a part of human nature, as she forgives her husband Korey for his regular daliances with other women (thought not before punishing him for them). Unfortunately, Megan cannot apply this to herself, as she holds herself to a higher, IMPOSSIBLE, moral standard, and this causes her great internal conflict.

    As this and her previous dream prove, Megan has many dark, hidden, desires that plague her and are now bubbling to the surface as she’s forced to confront them in reality, and work through them in her fantasies.

    And even though these fantasies cause her great guilt and confusion, she is none the less intrigued and tempted by them…which is why she continues to involve herself in the League, despite the turmoil it causes her. She is growing…stronger and more complete, thanks to her trials. I can’t wait to see what she grows into!

    Thank you for showing us a side of Megan I thought we’d never see! You’re both doing exceptional work!

  2. This plays into the idea of the ‘BWL-verse’ that has different rules and is populated only by insanely hot chicks. Apperantly if you’re as hot as Megan, you get drawn into sexfighting if you like it or not. (Also it appears that all women wear make-up at all times without any consequences.)

    I’m hoping that the next dream will be all about Megan getting destroyed by France.

  3. Megan is also my most favorite character as well. I hope you continue to have her in turmoil with her conservative side as well as her passionate side.

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