2 throughts on "Virtual Call"

  1. I know somebody is going to be really, REALLY, happy this week. 😛 Great story though, not enough of these scenarios get played out that much. It’s a great way to diversify the action.

  2. G_Money>You called it!

    As I predicted, every NEW Megan story/episode is inevitably my new favorite thing that you’ve written…but this will be a hard one to top. The level of writing here is just astounding, not just for Megan but also for Cindy, my second favorite character in terms of writing/character development.

    Cindy has had a really strong arc. You’ve taken her from housewife to sex-worker in a way that feels very natural and exciting. Her ongoing rivalry with Jenn, her inability to break from David’s orbit and become her own woman. The recent decision to have Cindy become a sex worker to support herself was a brilliant and natural part of her evolution, but I never imagined it would pay off like this!

    Everything about this story is dripping in novelty (among other things). There’s never been anything like it in the BWL/BSF before…I’ve been saying it almost weekly now, but seriously, you are doing your best stuff on the BSF of late. Exploring and developing character, but also making maximum use of the world you’ve build and coming at it from new and unique angles.

    I’d say that the theme of this particular story is “secrets.” The thing that makes this erotic is how you use the idea of secrecy to establish dominance. Megan hires Cindy, which already gives her a level of dominance, but she further establishes dominance by making her identity a secret. The person who knows the truth is always the dominant one. And the kinkiness of it doesn’t end there.

    Physically this shouldn’t be that exciting…it’s two women in separate rooms masturbating, but the ongoing dialogue, both external and internal, elevates everything. Cindy misreads the situation at first and falls into the trap of anonymity, giving Megan even more power over her by talking honestly in a way she wouldn’t have if she knew it was Megan on the other side, and exposes herself to Megan, expressing her feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness during their last match. Megan, on the other side, revels in the dominance that anonymity gives her, driving Cindy forward to spill more of her secrets, and dominating her in the subtlest of ways. I particularly liked the bit with Megan and Cindy musing about the results of a fantasy titfight between them, which may have gone a different way had Cindy known she was playing into Megan’s personal fantasy.

    And then there is the shift in status at the end, where Megan’s secret is in danger of being revealed as Cindy intuits that something is not quite right (LOVED the bit of detective work Cindy does saying, “Unless you’re a superman, I’ve never heard of a guy cumming time after time like you did.”), which rattles Megan, showing how flimsy her dominance is, because if her secret was ever revealed, she’d lose all her status.

    The writing on Megan is always sharp, and her voice is unique in the League. I know that many dislike her character because she’s a hypocrite, but that’s exactly what makes her interesting…there’s nothing that says a good character has to be a good person. Flaws are what make characters interesting, and Megan has many. Her arc continues to not only titillate but to FASCINATE. Timid, prudish, Megan who is increasingly interested in the world of sex and pleasure and FREEDOM that the BWL/BSF has to offer, but too afraid to embrace it, held back by her harsh upbringing, ever so slowly comes out of her shell. It’s this hesitance that makes her stories, particularly on the BSF, so exciting…everything is new to her. Everything has significance to her. It’s never just another fling or another fuck…it’s always her FIRST. Every new tryst represents a massive and profound change in her character, the embracing of a new idea, a shift in her world view. It’s GREAT!

    My last favorite bit of writing in this, just because it was so subtle that it was actually brilliant, the thing that put everything into context, was that last line (I know I’ve probably given a number of spoilers already, but this is a big one, so I won’t ruin the surprise). That was just an elegant piece of storytelling. No big explanation, because none is necessary. It’s a small reveal that puts everything that’s happened into a startling new context, which demands that you immediately re-read what was just written. One line reveals a HUGE chance in dynamic for Megan that puts her into an uncomfortable and unpredictable new normal, with a ton of story potential.

    I have never been more exciting about not only Megan, but the BSF. This has been a real treat! Thank you!

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