9 throughts on "Championship Double-Mayhem"

  1. Wow what an ending, I actually expected Kim to take it. Kim looks great, but I just noticed she has a giant tear in her sternum, and chasms under her tits. I looked back at her fight recent fight with Jen and confirmed the midsternal crack was there just not as apparent.

  2. Chaz>Good eye. Those vertices need to be welded.

    An excellent end to this story arc! I love how you built the anticipation, and kept subverting our expectations. This arc was really well paced, had a nice build up, and then confounded every expectation. The pay-off is that David has become a more interesting character, and even if he loses the belt now, he’ll be considered a legend…his legacy will stand.

    Great work!

  3. It happens sometimes 3d figures misbehave, ambient occlusion will make them stand out by oddly shadowing them. I know Entropy is a Photoshop wiz, he could color and blend over them, like a virtual skin graft??? I guess.

  4. Question is how long will he hold out (pun intended) post Kim Crutch? I agree with ForeShadow, he’s a slightly more interesting character now.

  5. I think there can be some debate of whether or not David’s legacy is going to stand. Mackenzie could still be snooping around to uncover the secret. And Kim may decide the first steps in rebuilding her self-esteem is to destroy her “creation” by coming clean with her plan.

    If I was David, I wouldn’t feel comfortable that my legacy was secure.

  6. I don’t think Kim will blow the whistle on David for 3 reasons.

    Reason 1:

    If she rats out David she will unintentionally make herself look incompetent in front of the BWL Girls and to everyone else who saw the fight live and that would be the last thing she needs to rebuild her self-esteem or for her current emotional state.

    Reason 2:

    If she says anything not only could she have David’s title stripped from him but she could also have him and herself banned from ever competing at the No Holds Bar ever again.

    Of course the second reason is purely speculation since no one has ever cheated like this before but thinking worst case scenario that could very well happen.

    Reason 3:

    If she were to come clean all those girls that David beat will be coming for Kim rather than David or maybe both.

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