3 throughts on "Amazon vs Mammazon"

  1. Wow, that was hot. The sexfight was action packed, loved the back and forth. I enjoyed the dialogue as it was intense, here’s to the continuation of this rivalry.

    Always inspiring to see someone with a superiority complex get bested against their expectations. Makes for close, hot, desperate struggles.

  2. Why do some of the other women refer to Melanie as “fat” she looks no different than them. If anything I find Melanie to be one of the hottest gals on the roster.

  3. She has less tone and definition than the other girls, she may have a 24 inch waist instead of a 22 or 20. She is still muscular just looks like she has an extra layer over the muscle. I would say it is not enough to warrant them calling her fat, but I dated a few girls who called anyone bigger than them fat which was ridiculous, so I can see why it happens here.

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