2 throughts on "Third Time’s the Charm"

  1. You got me excited by the title I though this was going to be the third Kim vs Prudie fight still not a bad fight I just don’t personally like either character

  2. It’s interseting to me how Megan has evolved from being someone completely defined by the super-ego (her prudishness stemming from a ridged irish-catholic belief system) to someone completely consumed by her id (primal desires such as lust).

    Since shedding her inhibitions, Megan has lacked the discipline and control that defined her early appearances. Now we see her following each and every instinct and desire. First it was Ed, Then MacKenzie, then Cindy, then Paul, and now Caribe. Whoever gives her the most pleasure becomes the focus of all her desire.

    It’s no secret that Megan is my favorite character, and part of that is because she has never been stagnant; we’ve seen nothing but growth from her…and not necessarily all healthy. But that is what makes Megan compellling to me; she’s gone between two extremes. She started out prudish and repressed, ridged and uncompromising, and now she’s almost hedonistic in her pursuit of sexually gratification rather than emotional gratification.

    I have to admit, I’m enjoying Megan as the eternal heel of the BWL/BSF, constantly the outsider at odds with others. My feeling is that her greatest desire is to belong, but the harder she tries, the more she alienates others.

    Another thing I like about Megan is that she’s probably the kinkiest of the BWL girls, which is saying something. From her obsession with balls to her use of financial domination on Cindy…and potentially on Caribe. I have to admit…I like the scenario Entropy seems to have set up where Megan could potentially show up at the Montreal XXXpo and hire both Caribe and Nikki for a dance-off…forcing them to compete for her pleasure. That scenario has a lot of potential.

    Great work as usual!

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