3 throughts on "Re-Calling Collect"

  1. Great story. Glad to see Mimi winning again. She was thinking a lot about Candy during the fight so I am not really sure the Candy curse is broken.

  2. OMG!!! Everything about this story was fantastic in my opinion.

    I don’t know about everyone else, but I like the sexfights that have more than one orgasm in them.

    Keep up to good guys.

  3. Yeah, I wanted to bring that up in the last one but never got around to it….

    I really like the callback to Mimi’s encounter with Candy, and I hope that Candy is going to be around some.

    I think that Candy represents a good counterpoint to Melanie in that they are both thicc as hell, but where Melanie is an interesting character because she struggles with body image/dysmorphia as a bigger girl in the BWL which is full of examples of feminine perfection, Candy is even bigger but perfectly confident. This, I think, gets to a central theme of the BWL universe; it’s not necessarily how you LOOK but how you ACT. Confidence trumps everything in this world.

    A big part of every battle in the BWL/BSF universe is that opening preamble where Entropy and Sherlock start with each opponent trying to get a psychological advantage…who is more CONFIDENT? Confidence is intimidating, and if you can shake your opponents comfidence, you gain a big advantage. On the flipside, confidence also serves as the STAKES for most every BWL/BSF story. Every lose is a huge blow to the ego of the lose, and they feel less confident going into the next fight, be it physical or sex.

    So were Melanie has a confidence deficit that has served as her handicap in the BWL, Candy has a confidence surplus. Insults bounce right off of her where Melanie would absorb and internalize them. That makes for an interesting dynamic for me.

    …also, I just really like a variety of girls, including BBWs, and I like seeing them all represented in the BWL. It’s one of the things I like most about the world that Entropy has created here…it’s diversity of both race, nationality, sexuality, and body type.

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