
King (or Queen) of the Oil Ring, Part 7

BSF-500_CoverThis is the seventh installment of the 500th BSF regular posting at the No Holds Bar. Twenty-four competitors have already fallen victim to the Oil of Olé in this King (or Queen) of the Hill-type Tournament. Last week, Eduardo, Denise, Louise and David were eliminated, and we join current Queen of the Hill Kim as she’s about to face Kandice.

Members, click HERE to see this installment

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In the Chipper

BSF-469_CoverLast time Chip was on the No Holds Bar stage, he was Sexfighting Champion. Now, after a close defeat against recruit Melanie in the BWL Octagon, Chip is looking to establish himself as a sexfighter. But Mimi stands in his way. In her last two appearances here, she lost her preliminary titjob race and lost her then-girlfriend Caribe, so to say she wants to win tonight is no understatement.

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Summer’s Over

BSF-377_CoverNikki Summers is Queen of the Hill. She won the amateur tournament and even faced the second runner-up to confirm her Title. For the event, Nikki was trained by Prudie, Tania’s daughter. Now Prudie took care of the F/F part, but when time came to train her against males, Prudence refused to let Nikki use her boyfriend Chip. And what a woman like Nikki can’t have, she wants even more!

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Chip Ahoy!

BSF-364_CoverAt the beginning of 2015, Tania’s daughter Prudence faced Desiree in an impromptu sexfight and lost her boyfriend Chip for a night. This humiliation has been weighing on her so she challenged her rival to a public sexfight at the No Holds Bar to settle things and show Chip that she IS the better woman of the two.

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Devil’s Three-Way

BSF-307_CoverRegine’s on the prowl. She wants hot, sweaty sex to try to quench her insatiable libido. She gets to the local watering hole, hoping to find a man who could satisfy her. But when she doesn’t find such a specimen, she remembers the old saying: “Two heads are better than one.”

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