


BXS-136_CoverMatt issues a challenge to Mimi, Denise and Sophie: whoever makes him cum the fastest wins. To the girls, this was a not-so-subtle plot to get them into bed until Mimi muttered that there was no contest there. “Whaddaya mean?” Denise asked. “I mean that it’s clear who the best lover is.” “Yeah: me!” said Sophie. And the contest was on!

Payback Is A Bitch

BXS-119_CoverThink back…BXS-101…Mimi beat Jennifer in a sex contest and won a full night of sex with David. David was too spent to make it worth Mimi’s while to collect her winnings that night, and then everyone got busy and almost forgot about it…almost. But Mimi has an excellent memory.

The Beat-Off Goes On

Part 2 of the sex contest between Jenn and Mimi

BXS-101_CoverThe five-minute break is over and Myriam will return to the titty bar stage presently. After going down…and going down to defeat to Jennifer and David in a sex contest, Mimi and Eduardo are getting a second chance to demonstrate their sexual prowess. Jenn’s tutoring of David sure has paid off. He’s a much more responsive lover than ever before. On BXS-100 she got him off long before Mimi could coax cum from Mr. Ed’s monster cock—then the Platinum Princess shoved Mimi out of the way and finished off the Argentine Adonis herself. But Mimi protested that was only Round 1 and dared Jenn and David to stick around for Round 2. That’s what is about to begin now.


BXS-100_CoverSome women will go to extraordinary lengths to hang onto their man if they think he’s straying or starting to lose interest in them. Myriam has such doubts and is well aware of what an attractive prize Eduardo would be to another female on the prowl. And why not? She recalls how easily she turned him away from Caribe only a year ago.

To prove her devotion to Ed and to demonstrate publicly that she’s the perfect woman for him, Mimi has issued an open challenge to any couple to meet them in a sex contest. Each woman will do whatever it takes to make her man cum first. She is certain that she can get Mr. Ed to spout like a geyser in record time. Jennifer and David wasted no time responding to Mimi’s challenge.

Pre-Dawn Prima Donnas

BXS-98_CoverOn her days off, Myriam likes to hit the gym before sun-up, so she can pump iron without any distractions. Mimi likes male attention, of course, but she also values the privacy of these morning sessions. A girl needs some time alone with her own thoughts, and a brisk workout is just the thing. No one is using the equipment she wants. No horny guys whistle or make cat-calls or try to strike up conversations. No out-of-shape women glare at her with envy and hatred. Just blissful serenity.

Today she’s working off some minor frustrations arising from Eduardo’s waning attention. Lately he’s become distant…both physically and emotionally. Business trip are more frequent and last longer. Sex has grown routine, brief, and focused on Ed’s needs, not hers. She needs to contemplate.

Gym Dandy

Mimi, with Kim dropping by

BXS-64_CoverMimi’s had an exciting year. Let’s get to know her a little better by dropping in on one of her workout sessions in the gym.


Mimi, Caribe, Eduardo

BXS-45_CoverMimi and Mr. Ed continue their love affair. Since Caribe works very late most nights at her strip club, that makes it easy for the busty blonde to squeeze the Argentine Adonis into her tight schedule.

Bringing Home the Bacon

Mimi & Eduardo

BXS-33_CoverWhile Caribe is off in Los Angeles shooting porn for Deviant DVD, lonesome Eduardo finds consolation with Myriam. The cat’s away, so the mice will play.

Working The Kinks Out

Mimi & Nicolette

BXS-24_CoverMyriam’s aching back got her referred her to a masseuse for a few therapeutic sessions. She registers at the salon, showers, and is surprised when the masseuse turns out to be an old friend.

After the Match

Denise and Mimi

BXS-05_CoverSo that’s what happened a few minutes ago. Denise and Mimi met in a topless boxing match. Since they’re very competitive and proud women, they both gave as much as they took.
But ultimately, Mimi’s more imposing musculature gave her a decisive advantage. “I beat you fair and square, Big red.” Mimi said. “Now I’m gonna use your body as my personal amusement park.
Get ready ‘cause you’re the one who’s about to go on a very wild ride!”