Arch Rivals

BSF-222_CoverThe BustySexFights website’s mission—just like the Basement Wrestling League’s—includes making the facilities and the equipment available to women who want to settle an argument BSF-style—or BWL-style. This is how Kim and Jennifer had their first contact with the BWL, back in the day.

Tonight, the BSF is proud to help two local students to settle a conflict that’s been going on since elementary school over a boy they both like.

MC Tania introduces the rivals and comments on the action.

3 throughts on "Arch Rivals"

  1. You’ve really been pulling out all the stops recently…I feel like you’re producing the best work you’ve ever done since the start of the year, each episode getting a little more ambitious both thematically and artistically.

    Even though it wasn’t Betsy and Veronique, I was happy to see a return to this concept…your unique take on the eternal rivalry of such classic comics characters.

    I really loved those books when I was a kid, but as I grew, I couldn’t help but entertain fantasies very similar to this one, and lament that the family friendly nature of the book meant that such a story would forever remain in the realm of fantasy…that there would never be any sort of pay-off to their long standing fued over the hapless red-head. But you seem to find a way to reach into my head and extract such thoughts and commit them to image and word!

    I really liked your take on Bethany and Vero, both of them looked spectacular and lithe, but I have to say that I LOVED Bethany’s Super-Girl tank-top and boot shorts combo! Did you design that yourself? That was probably my favorite image.

    Another great BSF episode that pushes the boundries and dances with the fantastical…thank you!

  2. This was a great story. I must say that this grudge match need to be settled for the longest of times. The only thing is that it should have ended with Juggy and Tania getting it on. That would definitely been “For The Win” in my book. Hope to see more of these classic grudge matches settled BSF Style! 😛

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