3 throughts on "…A River in Egypt"

  1. This was truly a treat for me. I’ve enjoyed all the ‘dream’ episodes for the insight they give into Megan’s conflicted consciousness by giving light to her anxieties and repressed lusts, but this one took it to another level.

    This dream episode really makes use of the conceit of the story, using not only the idea of dream logic as a storytelling device, such as the sudden shift of background to a new location, and the shocking reappearance of Kim, Kim’s form changing to match her argument, etc etc… all creative uses of the freedom that exploring a dream allows from a narrative and visual standpoint; some great storytelling! But it also allows for a great deal of insight into the workings of Megan’s conflicted mind.

    Previous entries had Megan as a participant of a fantasy with the various BWL characters giving voice to her own fears, but Megan didn’t really interact with them; she just listened to them. In this episode we’re seeing more of an internal monologue between Megan’s Super-ego (the role that Megan takes in her dream), Id (whic is represented by Kim), and her Ego (suprisingly represented by MacKenzie).

    The Super-ego is Megan’s guilt and repression which spurns the desires of the Id, her primal urges and lusts. In the dream, Kim confronts Megan and forces herself on her, forcing the Super-Ego to confront and acknowledge the suppressed desires of the Id.

    Now, MacKenzie plays a very interesting part here, as she is the Ego; she is intellectual mind that sees to sublimate the desires of the Id in a rational way. Here she comes to Megan’s defense (visually represented by her appearing in a red Lifeguard’s swimsuit, which was a nice touch!) and subdues the Id by pleasuring it. I imagine that Megan does not believe much in self-pleasure and rather than satisfying her ego through sexual release, she represses it with guilt. MacKenzie’s pleasuring of Kim could be considered a form of masterbation…which gives MacKenzie’s final words an interesting subtext; that Megan should accept her sexuality as a way of controlling her desires.

    I find it interesting that MacKenzie was the form that Megan’s subconscious chose for her Ego, particularly since both she and Kim question why, though her subconcious also offers a theory to this. Kim postulates that it’s because MacKenzie has the smallest breasts in the League and that Megan does not feel threatened by her. Megan’s own thoughts reveal what she’s heard of MacKenzie; that she’s not much of a wrestler. It could be that Megan is both not threatened by MacKenzie because she doesn’t represent a physical challenge, but also because she’s attracted to her. None of the people that have appeared in Megan’s dreams are people that Megan hasn’t had some sort of sexual encounter with, and for the most part these have all been forced and unpleasent or humiliating, but her interation with Megan in her dream is more sensual and reassuring. It could be that Megan is secretly attracted to MacKenzie, though that is only specuation at this point.

    Overall, this was an intense and extremely satisfying bit of writing and art…I have enjoyed these immensely, and thank you both for the time and effort that went into them!

    Also, the antcipation of Megan’s upcoming match with France is KILLING ME! I cannot wait!

  2. Image 10, the close-up of Megan and Mackenzie on the beach is one of the most erotic images I have ever seen. I must applaud your work Entropy as it made me gasp in how amazingly hot it was. Being an advocate for a Megan/Mack alliance, it brought a smile to my face. It was better than I imagined.

    Foreshadow covered a lot of the analysis, which I agree with. It will be interesting to see if Megan takes the Aristotle quote literally (that Mack is her ally if she seeks it, not just the representation of her Ego balancing her Id and Super Ego).

    There is precedence for Megan doing best when she lets her Ego out to play. In her first encounter with Mimi, Megan employs a lot of sneaky sexual maneuvers in response to a nipple lick by Mimi near the start of the contest. Megan controls almost the entire fight, and actually appears to enjoy herself. Capturing that balance will allow her to really be champ for a long time coming. It’s just a question of whether she will allow the representation of her Ego to provide the assistance.

    Simply brilliant, I can’t wait to watch how this continues to unfold.

  3. I’m certainly liking the psychology of these pieces and the possibilities they open for the future. atm I’m more excited for what it could mean for Mack however, at this point I think Megan needs to lose the title (although I was hoping Mimi would get her revenge) to enable her to evolve more readily. Megan assisiting Mack in her desire to deveolpe some real combat skills as a mentor is then a path for dual development. But whatever I am sure there’s a lot fo good to come from this.

    Great stuff all round.

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