8 throughts on "Splish Splash"

  1. hope to see more of these new arena’s, i’d still like to see one where the orgasm still count’s as defeat, in an arena desined to make them cum, like it could have a chair with a vibrator in it that one girl has to force the other on. still look forward to more new arena’s

  2. Always great seeing Kim on the sexfighting site can’t wait for her match against Denise in the BWL also it was kind of weird that Denise was complaning about Kim resorting to sex during a sexfight so I hope Kim kicks her ass

    I should also say that I love the new biker thing your doing with Denise

  3. I loved this story not only was it a new sex match but I think the art has been redone. I could be wrong but Kim looks even hotter than before. And speaking of Kim I would love to see a new training story. Between Kim and Prude and I.M.O. please change Prude back to her old hair style. Prude’s “haircut” boosted her sex appeal does anyone agree?

  4. Love the tats on her and yes it looks like Entropy used Ambient Occlusion and Image Based Lighting here to a great effect.

  5. I don’t think Kim is still training Prude I allways assumed they had a falling out after Mac took Prude’s spot on the roster I seem to remember Kim badmouthing her during one of the fights with Tania I also like Prude’s new hair style and hopefully we see her somewhere soon

  6. ABSOLUTELY agree about Prude’s hairstyle. I think the reason it hasn’t changed back is that it was a huge pain in the butt to draw. Hopefully something changed there.

  7. Long hair is a bitch to manage in Poser! It looks fine if your figure is standing straight up, but it starts getting wonky with adversity.

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