2 throughts on "Bad to the Bone"

  1. Surprised not to see any comments on this entry…

    I really like what you’re doing with Denise. Denise has never been a favorite character of mine, and by all rights she should…she’s no less good looking than the other girls, though she is a bit generic, and her photographer backstory gives her character and has always been a good conceit for generating story (all my favorite Denise episodes involve her job in some way), but she’s never really clicked with me…I think the biggest reason is that she’s never really been involved in a big plot. She’s one of the most stable and steadfast girls in the BWL, owing in part to the fact that’s she’s one of it’s oldest members, having been there since the inception.

    Lacking a big story arc to define her character, I like that efforts are being made to at least make her character stand out. The biker angle gives her a little more texture…an edge she was missing. Also, visually, the tattoos help her to stand out. I particularly like that you put them only on her left side, making her asymmetrical, which is visually interesting. It has great potential for story, as is hinted at here…I’d love to see Denise deal with a rival from another biker gang or from within her own (maybe based on sexy Katy Segal’s character from SONS OF ANARCHY? That would be LOVELY!).

    This is similar to what was done with Louise during her BDSM period, which I loved for the character…I’m just sad that it wasn’t universally well received, because it made Louise interesting and set her apart from everyone else. I just hope that this doesn’t get dropped, because I really do think it’s best for the character and makes her unique.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Denise, ForeShadow. I always enjoy reading your perspective on the various feuds and wrestlers.

    Personally, I’ve been a fan of Denise since the beginning. Being a warm-blooded male, her 3D model of fit, busty redhead was my favorite of the Founding Five. (At least I think it was five – it’s been a while!) Her character seemed to be genuinely good-natured and outgoing and that appealed to me as well. As the roster grew in size, Denise’s founder status also grew in my eyes. It was a reputation she had to defend against newcomers who came and went like Gypsy, Nico, and so on.

    Denise never struck me as dull or generic, but I also enjoy it when her photographer gig takes center stage. The most recent shoot with Desiree was one of the hottest reads I’ve had on the site. The idea of a beautiful photographer being in non-contact competition with the models she pictures is amazing.

    One oddity about my love for Denise is my rooting against her whenever she faces Jennifer. It’s funny because I considered Jennifer to be a generic character at one point, a Tania-lite of sorts. That view changed greatly as her meanstreak inside and out of the ring defined her, especially when she became champ at Denise’s expense.

    Their one-sided affair has become ingrained in their identities – at least to me. The grand event BWL 500 muddled the statistics a bit. Jenn had beaten Denise 4 times in a row going into their fight. She was actually 5-1 cumulative (BWL 40, 73, 151, 268, 270), with Denise’s lone victory during their 2nd meeting. She’s now 6-1 against the redhead, 7-1 if you include BXS 151. That’s dominance!

    Maybe it’s their different personalities that make their matches mean more to me. Even with her new biker babe angle, which I am warming to, Denise is still a good girl at heart. Jenn on the other hand might be the most tempestuous wrestler on the roster. The streak that Jenn is running has taken a life of its own. Each loss a more debilitating blow to Denise’s ego than the one that preceded it. And I take a twisted delight in seeing this streak continue. Maybe with her Cindy feud resolved (for now anyway), the Platinum Princess can fulfill my twisted fantasy and take ownership of Denise in both mind and body.

    It would be logical to see Denise visibly shaken when she next faces Jenn. Jenn has beaten her in all manner of ways (KO, TKO, submission, orgasm), one-sided pummeling, and come-from-behind, last-minute victories snatched from sure defeat. Maybe the buxom redhead has nightmares of this unbeatable opponent no matter what she does. Waking up with cold sweats and wet loins, a mixing of fear and desire. A deep-seeded desire to submit to this one dominatrix, despite her bravado.

    Yeah, I’m one twisted F—! Probably won’t happen, but I had to put it out there in the ether. 🙂

    I do like your idea as well, ForeShadow. With Denise being a newcomer to her biker club, I would love to see her face-off with the “Gemma Teller Morrow” of the group. That would make for an amazing update!

    Anyway, here’s to more updates with Denise… and maybe a few featuring Jenn as well! 😉

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