The Waitress

BSF-420_CoverWhen Megan walked into Matt’s hotel room just a couple of hours ago, it was to service the man who beat her in the Pit. But surprisingly, it turned out to be a life-changing sexual experience when Matt let her rub her wet pussy against his balls. Now, they just had dinner at the hotel restaurant where Matt’s current lover works, and dessert is about to be served.

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2 throughts on "The Waitress"

  1. An unexpected, yet welcomed surprise.

    For me this was a good story for two reasons, the first reason is pretty obvious just read the story.

    However, the second reason is because Entropy and Sherlock have purposely (or maybe accidentally) created legend for Megan’s backstory. Now I don’t think this is a spoiler, but just in case you’ve been warned…


    At the start of this story Megan is telling Matt a sexy story from her past, and at first I was ready to dismiss it as some sort story that she made up just to turn him on, but then in her own thought bubble we see Megan saying to herself “Half the stories I told him aren’t true”.

    To me that says that there is more to Megan than we were lead to believe and so the real question is how much of her story is true and how much of it is a lie?

    Was Megan a sweet and innocent girl that was slowly corrupted by the BWL or was she already a naughty little slut that hid that part of her personality very well?

    This would explain why she wanted to join the league rather than be disgusted by it (as she claimed to be) and have no part of it, as well as take things a step beyond like having sex with former referee Theo, an act that no other BWL girl has done before her.

    Of course there are other examples that I could mention, but the bottom line is maybe I’ve stumbled onto something or maybe I’m just connecting lines where there are none, either way the next time we see Megan I’ll definitely read through the story more closely.

  2. Random_Guy>I like you assessment! It’s why I’ve always found Megan to be a fascinating character; that dichotomy and conflict. Story comes from conflict, and characters who act contradictory are interesting, because they struggle internally.

    My head canon for Megan is that she grew up in a strict Irish Catholic upbringing, where she was shamed for being a girl, taught to repress her wicked desires. Now she struggles between being a pious, upstanding, good catholic girl, and her sexual appetites, which she has denied for decades, and now has free reign to indulge. This, to me, is why we see her denouncing the BWL and what she sees as the hedonistic lifestyle it encourages and awards among the other girls, while she continually seeks out new experiences; sating her bi-curiousity with Cindy, cheating on her husband, being submissive to her rival, and now her newfound fetish for balls, and her newfound relationship with possibly the worst guy her strict parents could possibly imagine; MATT.

    Even as Megan learns more about herself and her sexuality, she also spirals out of control as she no longer has anyone shaming her…which means she now lacks self control. When she started Megan was a powerhouse competitor with a lot of discipline and focus, but as she becomes more sexually aware, she becomes more indulgent…and less diligent. All of this makes her fascinating to me…and an excellent foil for the rest of the BWL, because this is all new to her. None of the other girls struggle with any of this because they’re already figured out who they are sexually. Megan is JUST NOW figuring it out.

    I always enjoy Megan stories, win or lose, because they always build more character, and I find Megan’s fascinating!

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