2 throughts on "KOed Dreams"

  1. I really like the Dream stories. I like how it allows you leeway to enter into a magical reality and play with the storytelling, but also how it gives us insight into the characters and their anxieties and insecurities.

    This was probably the most interested I’ve ever been in Denise, who I generally find fairly bland; getting into her head and seeing her fears and insecurities, how she views her rivalry with Louise, gave us some unique insight into her, which I’m glad for.

    I also liked how the Dream setting allowed you to entertain an certain impossibility of Denise’ pussy being to tight for Ed’s huge dick, and her secret fear of it. The image of his super-cock literally lifting her up was great!

    I really enjoyed this one! Great work as usual!

  2. Great story but I’m curious who is actually gunning for David now

    – Denise
    – Louise
    – Mack (She said she wants him in the snow one)

    And Robin looked as though she has a thing for him in the David vs Pru fight.

    Just curious

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