3 throughts on "Beach Assault"

  1. It’s rivalries like Cindy and Jenn’s that keep me coming back to the BSF every week. A fight like this, a proxy battle to the larger war of their epic rivalry that has spanned years and countless updates, makes the BSF/BWL series one of the finest of it’s kind on the internet.

    I said it some time ago but it was honestly the re-ignition of this rivalry that brought me back to the BSF after a time away. With every update of this rivalry, with every tantalizing teaser of a upcoming skirmish, my regard for the story of this legendary rivalry grows and I nearly jump in my seat with joy every time I see a update involving one of them.

    I eagerly await the next time they meet and I can hardly wait for the war to spread fully to the BWL so I can renew my place there as well.

    Take care and keep up the good work,

    PS I don’t suppose there will ever be a anthology made available featuring all the battles this rivalry was featured in? Or any of the great rivalries of these series for that matter?

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