Broken Mirror

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France had to get her massive breast implants removed after a series of particularly grueling fights. Even though she feels profoundly diminished, she was able to beat Sophie in a fight, and she now trains twice as hard to compensate for the loss of her weapons. But there’s one meeting she fears most of all…

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3 throughts on "Broken Mirror"

  1. This is my absolute favorite thing Entropy has ever done. From a writing, art, and fetish standpoint. O___O

    Honestly, while I had HOPED that Entropy would do something like this during this new France arc…I never expected it both so SOON or to be so CLOSE to everything I’ve ever wanted out of a France/Megan BSF story in this context.

    I love the psychology of what’s going on here…that even after her victory over Sophie, France is still struggling with her new ‘normal.’ This is a huge change for her, and a huge blow to her ego, and we already KNOW that she was ready to give in to Sophie during her match…which is a hint at a few weakness for France…one that ties into a particular fetish of mine…

    France has a fetish for big breasts, and a belief that women with big breasts are superior.

    I don’t know how far ahead Entropy plans his stories, but I love how this was already hinted at in the France/Sophie fight…that France was ready to submit to Sophie on an almost INSTINCTUAL level. That it took monumental EFFORT for her to overcome her impulse to submit to a bustier woman.

    And here we see Megan explaining the psychology behind why her and France both went so big…they both envied and feared the bustier girls that bullied them, so their only recourse was to become BIGGER. Doing so gave them power and confidence, but now France has been stripped of both…making her vulnerable to Megan.

    There are so many great, subtle, beats in this…Megan’s diatribe is almost like a hynotic induction; she reenforces the idea that ‘Bigger is Better’ to France over and over, both with her body language and her dialogue. Of interest to me is that Megan makes a special point of drawing a comparison between the pre-op versions of both of them, and makes sure to note that she was STILL better than France then as well (this could be a lie, of course…Megan would never admit to being the same size or small than France, because this is all about reenforcing the idea that she is bigger and thus more powerful than France).

    I also have to give props to Entropy on his visual storytelling here as well. Entropy’s visual storytelling is, on average, very concise and efficient, but there are some REALLY subtle things in this one that serve the story so well…for example, the way that France slumps against the wall at a slight angle, while Megan bears down on her from above; this creates a visual illusion that Megan is actually TALLER than France, even though we know that they are identical. This is especially effective if you look at the transition from image 17 to 18; Entropy changes the camera angle in such a way that it actually looks like France SHRINKS while Megan’s silhouette dominates the forground making her look enormous.

    Another subtle bit of storytelling is that…France just doesn’t resist. Even as we can see her thoughts, and even as she tries to voice her resistance, she never raises her hands, she never pushes Megan away…and Megan ALSO doesn’t use her hands either; she makes no move to physically restrain or force France into anything…France submits even before Megan begins dominating her. Both of them know what the power dynamic is between them.

    I have no idea what the long term goal of this arc is going to be…or if Entropy even knows, but to me this seems like what is called the ‘Dark Twilight of the Soul’ for France. This is the lowest point of her story, where victory seems impossible. Megan even points this out ot her; even if France gets new implants, this utter defeat will still stand, because this is the point where France really admitted that she lost…and that Megan is her better.

    This pressed every single ONE of my buttons. I’ve never been as satisfied as this.

    (As an aside…I am admittely intrigued and excited by the idea of Megan making this ‘a regular thing.’ I don’t know that we’ll ever see that promise come true, but the idea of it ignites my imagination! I have a ton of ideas for this. 😛 )

  2. Looking forward to France’s redemption story and realizing that she’s more than just the sum of her parts.

    Part of me thinks Megan misses Busty France, its lonely at the top. At least France was there with her; plus they always seemed to be able to push each other.

  3. I understand that a drastic change in ones character was designed to get an extreme reaction from people whether it be in favor of or severely against. France being a favorite, and really the reason and I’ve enjoying the league for a long while, I’m a little annoyed that she was the one chosen for what seems to be a major soul searching or identity crisis so to say. And I hope I’m really wrong about this but I can’t help but thinking that after this France seems to be getting closer and closer to being on her way out, I mean this is soul crushing humiliation at every turn the kind only a select few can bounce back from.

    She was the big titty monster and after her prized weapons, the trait that made her what she is, are beaten on match after match to the point that they have to be taken away in it self shows weakness to me. Sure Mack lost her new enhancements but that was a direct result of her personal rival with Prudence. Here France loses hers because of day in day out league punishment that all the other girls endure yet France was the one to have hers lose hers. Her once tough and enduring breast finally succumbs to the pain having to be removed and then when she gets a win its with out the giant tits which is another blow to her character.

    On top of that, which seem to me what has already been a lopsided rivalry in favor of her clone, Megan complete dominates and humiliates her every way both mentally and physically. I’m not really seeing a light at the end of the tunnel for France because either she stays small (something that I would really hate to see) and fights an uphill under dog battle against big tits. She gets utterly destroyed by her own insecurities humiliated at ever turn any time another pair of massive breast crosses her path. Or worse yet she gets completely broken and leaves never to be seen again.

    I mean sure she can ultimately get her tits back, which I really hope that is were this all is leading, she could even get them bigger than before but the damage is already been done. There is no erasing what her eternal rival did to her. She gave in and submitted herself to her rival, not fighting back not resisting. Megan will always have this moment of complete and utter domination. It’s a moment were the copy is making known she has surpassed the original.

    I’ll admit having a big tit fetish I was drawn to France’s whole act of bigger equals better, big tits, even if they were enhancements, was the measure of ones strength. I feel for it and feel for it hard, so its really saddening to see this no confidence, submissive tiny tit version of her mostly because I’m nervous she is going to stay this way for the long haul or retire.

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