I.S.O. (International Sexfighting Organization)

BSF-508_CoverTrish Daniels have been slowly making her way up the ISO pecking order, defeating opponent after opponent with her relentless ability to find what turns a woman on and exploit it to crush her. After defeating Raven Knight, Feline Dion and Kristi Hudson, who all got Championship Title sexfights, the League thought Trish was ready for her own shot at defeating Erika Reed-Knight, Southeastern Champion.

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11 throughts on "I.S.O. (International Sexfighting Organization)"

  1. This may be controversial, but personally I consider the ISO fights the very best of Entropy’s work.

    This one is no exception at all.

    1. What makes them better than the regular BWL fights for you, exactly? Maybe I can transfer some of what you like to the BWL stories…

  2. This is because I am a bit of a purist when it comes to sexfighting.

    For me the perfect sexfight is either a mere competition or a means to solve some kind of professional dispute (e.g. who of two applicants will get a promotion or something like that); if that is the premise, then the fight, on an emotional level, will solely be driven by the contestants’ desire to win and nothing else.

    Many (although not all) of the regular BSF fights, on the other hand, are motivated by the personal relationship between the fighters and are thus driven by more complex emotions like love, hate, jealousy or insecurity; that is fascinating in itself, but for me it does distract too much from the actual duelling aspect of the sexfight.

    However, I would not advise you to change anything about the way you write your stories because I feel that both of the tendencies I have mentioned are represented in the right measure.

    The bulk of the BSF stories will always be this big sexual soap opera with ist intrigue and drama; and they really should be because this is what makes them unique and, ultimately, keeps the site going.

    But time and again you will deviate from this and create almost perfect examples of the kind of sexfight I personally prefer. On this site, this is the case for all of the ISO fights and also for the second Queen of the Hill contest (the one before the recent one); and on your other site it is the case for the first episode of the Tribbings series (which, in fact, is hands down the best sexfighting story I have ever read, to the point that I have even written a short analysis of it because I could not get it out of my head).

    So I really think that you should just continue to develop your stories the same way you have done until now. Just throw in an ISO Episode every now and then and I will be happy. 🙂

  3. I have to agree one of the things that make the iso stories intresting is that all the matches we have seen so far there’s really no familiarity between the fighters besides who they have won and lost to it makes a really intresting fight that is harder to predict who will win I Would also like some more interaction with more bsf sexfighters like Kim or maybe Robin

  4. I love these ISO spin-offs. It would be great to see some of the BSF regulars involved in some of them.

  5. By the way… I just realized that Trish’s bike has a German licence plate in the second picture. Is that a coincidence or a hint at where the story is taking place?

    1. She explains that she won the bike from a guy, so it’s a safe bet that the guy was German…

  6. I like these little side stories.

    I’m curious about the different feds and how they function with each other.

  7. True. That connection was rather…obvious.

    *buries head in hands*

    In my defence, though: I thought that line meant that she won a bike that the guy in question had previously given to Carmen Bay. But yeah, I was still slow on that one.

    1. I added this info because I was sure there’d be ONE guy who’d notice the plate. It is the one that came with the 3D model and I didn’t think it was important to edit the texture but I wanted to cover my nitpicking tracks! LOL!

  8. ^^

    That’s awesome! I love these little peeks behind the scenes. But you know, now you must go all the way and let Mister Sugar Daddy make an appearance in one of the future ISO episodes! Name: R. Lark (the letters of the plate); Age: 81; Number of testicles: 3.

    …sorry, just having fun here…move along, folks, nothing to see…

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