Whose Idea? Her idea.

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Megan defeated David in an intense MMA fight and the poor man was taken to the hospital after because the referee was afraid he could be injured after he took repeated blows to the liver. But while they’re taking care of his organ, Megan has an organ problem of her own…

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7 throughts on "Whose Idea? Her idea."

  1. I never had a ball fetish before Megan started having one, but now here we are…with me wanting to have my balls fucked by an impossibly busty, dominant, woman. : \

  2. David may me a crap fighter but the women flock to him, Fair dues to the bloke.

    And that ending was cruel….damn you 😉

    1. Oh I sent you an Email about the missing stories, I was wondering if you got it.

      Sometimes my Emails don’t go through.

  3. On another note; this is what I’m going to miss about the BSF being it’s own site, and my one fear about the new structure…

    The BSF/BXS is where the STORY stuff happens.

    I love the BWL, but the way the fights are structured don’t leave much room for exploring ideas like this. Any story has to come through exposition because they HAVE to be in one of the fight locations, and they HAVE to fight. So any background becomes either dialogue, narration, or thought.

    The BSF/BXS allows Entropy and Sherlock to expand the universe and explore not just the world…but the characters. And this is what gives context to the fights. Because the fights need to be ABOUT something. That’s why I don’t really watch UFC or any of those MMA tournaments…there’s no NARRATIVE there, or the narrative is contrived.

    I know that the BSF is being integrated into the new site structure, but this means that out of three updates a month on each site, only one will be a story that expands/explores the world or characters, whereas right now it’s one a week.

    I’m going to miss this site and it’s important to the BWL universe.

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