The Kavorka Round-Robin Sexfight Tournament in Oil, Part 3

BXS-115_CoverIn this third and last instalment of the Kavorka Round-Robin Sexfight Tournament in Oil, Tania’s daughter Prudie faces purple-haired Mackenzie. Mack has won her first match against brunette Sheri, and if she can force Prudence to cum first, she will be the victor of the tournament and will get to spend the night with me, Truman. And things don’t look very good for Prudence. She just lost against Sheri and she only had a shower to cool down. But if she loses against Mack, she’ll be the absolute loser of the tourney with TWO losses. So the stakes are high and prides are on the line. Just the way I like a sexfight!

UPDATE NOTE: Please note that there WON’T be an update next week. However, I’ll cook something a bit longer for both BXS-116 and BXS-117, so in total, you’ll get as many images this month as you get any other month. I apologize for this. Take this down time to revisit the 100-more stories that are online for you here. Thanks.

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