To celebrate the name change and the 100% competitive format, we have a deal for you: If you also like, you can become a member of BOTH websites for $6,60 less a month than the regular price of the BSF. That’s right! For 80 bucks, you can be a member of BOTH websites for three months!
These are savings of almost 34$ over the regular, month-by-month price of both sites, and 13$ over two, three-month memberships. In short, you save enough to get yourself a membership at as well!
Now if you’re already a member and want to take advantage of this, visit and cancel your membership. Don’t worry, your access will work until the end of your billing period. Once your user/pass stops working, just sign up again and chose the Dual Membership option. That’s it! Three months of hot action for $80! Sweet!