

BSF-277_CoverCindy found out that Jennifer sleeps with David behind her back and prides herself on giving him better sex than she does. So this week, the two women settle things in a heated sexfight. The goal: humiliate her rival and show David once and for all who’s the best.

Get the zip here.

Jennifer Challenges Jolene for the BSF Sexfighting Belt

BSF-274_CoverDuring the Nature vs Nurture Tournament, Jennifer and BSF Champion Jolene butted heads—or should we say boobs—a few times. Tonight, their rivalry continues with Jennifer getting a shot at Jolene’s Sexfighting Title. Both women couldn’t resist each other’s nipples in the Tourney, and Jolene has a chip on her shoulder about Jenn fucking David while she was sexfighting his wife. So no love lost between these two, and yet they’ll have to make each other cum if they want to win tonight.

Get the zip HERE.


BSF-262_CoverLast week, Cindy challenged BSF Sexfighting Champion Jolene for her Belt and lost. In the studio, her husband David was commenting the action, but some of you may have thought his comments lacked a certain depth. After all, he is watching his wife explode in an uncontrolled orgasm, so you’d expect him to be really captivated by the action.

But David’s head wasn’t in the game; it was in Jenn’s mouth.

Click here to get the ZIP.

Blown Away

BSF-244_CoverDavid is back with his wife Cindy, but that only makes him more attractive to Jennifer. “You’ll stay with her,” she said to him as she was grinding his cock in her strong pussy, “and you’ll compare her to me every time you fuck her. And after you fuck her, you’ll come to me and tell me how good it was, and I’ll top it. Every time.”

Well, that’s an invitation no man can refuse, especially when the sexy wife has to leave before she can satisfy her husband.

Click HERE to download the ZIP file

Home Wrecker

BSF-224_CoverAfter they cleared the air by fighting each other in the BWL private ring, David and his ex-wife Cindy got back together.
But it’s a rule of Amazonology that a man is only as interesting as the woman he’s with. And Cindy is one hot woman. Hot enough to attract some serious competition from an old friend…

STC: JENNIFER Challenges CARIBE for the BSF Belt

BSF-218_CoverCaribe got her Sexfighting Champion Title after winning a mini dildo tug-of-war tournament and then beating Paul in a sexfight. She then successfully defended her Title against Anna in a controversial victory where Anna’s twin Annie joined her to force the Champ to cum.

Jennifer has been after the Belt for quite some time. She lost it in the Finale round of the first BSF Tournament that crowned Mack as the first Champ. She then took another shot at it against Champion France but lost her sexfight. This week, she plans to prove the third time’s indeed the charm. Can she do it, or will Caribe hold on to the Belt?

Paul’s Mini Dildo Tug-of-War Tournament, Part 2

BSF-207_CoverBSF-207b_CoverHey, everybody! Paul here. BSF Sexfighting Champion.

Well, I was hoping being the Champ would mean lots of girls would demand a shot at my big cock. Turns out I was right, so I decided to organize a Mini Dildo Tug-of-War Tournament involving the eight contenders. Last week, Cindy and Caribe qualified for the next round. This week, the other four contenders will compete to see who’ll move up and maybe get a shot at my Belt—and at what’s below it!

STC: Jennifer vs France

JENNIFER challenges Sexfight Title Champion FRANCE for the BSF Belt

BSF-196_CoverbLast time France defended her Championship Belt—against Mimi—she said that she “wouldn’t mind defending this Title on a daily basis.” Well, this little remark didn’t fall on deaf ears. Sexy Jennifer saw this as an invitation and decided that after losing the Belt in the Tournament Finale, she deserved a shot.

Caribe’s Challenge: Jenn Takes a Shot

BSF-185_CoverA few weeks ago, Caribe issued a very erotic challenge to the BSF girls: she was able to give herself 9 orgasms in 10 minutes while masturbating, and she was pretty sure no other girl would be as hot and horny as she.

Hot and horny? Did somebody say Jennifer? The extreme fight champion is extremely competitive, and she can’t leave a challenge unanswered. Will she be able to beat Caribe’s torrid 9 orgasms?


David and Louise vs Petr and Jennifer

BSF-174_CoverUsually, this site features sex contests between women, but this week will be a bit different. David and Petr are tired of being treated as mere sex objects by the BSF women, so they decide to hold a sex contest of their own: Whoever can make his girl cum faster manually, orally and genitally will win the contest. But knowing the BSF girls, it’s sure they won’t just lie still and let the guys do all the work. After all, they also have a little competition of their own.

Master of his Domain


BXS-168_CoverJennifer is up bright and early today. She drops by The Montreal XXXpo before opening as the clean-up crew finishes tidying up the mess left by the New Year’s revelers. Paul is the only staff member up and around at this time.

BXS Sexfight tournament Finale


BXS-155_CoverThis is finally the time for the Big Finale. The last three girls standing are gonna face each other in a three-way sexfight and the winner will be crowned BXS Sexfight Champion. But before one of the finalists gets to put on the BXS Belt, she has to eliminate her two opponents.

So who’ll be the first BXS Champ? Platinum blonde Jennifer, who wore the BWL Belt for so long and is known for her will to win at all cost? Purple-haired Mackenzie, local college student who barely turned 18 but has shown unquenchable desire to best any woman who crosses her path? Or will it be Saint-Tremblé native Regine, who spent her adult life fighting equally gorgeous women for the scarce men on her tiny island?

BXS Sexfight Tournament Semifinal #1


BXS-151_CoverIt is time for the Semifinals to begin! And what better way to do that than with a classic blonde / redhead confrontation? After narrowly escaping defeat against Tania’s daughter Prudence, Jennifer advanced to the Semifinals to face Denise, who scored a convincing victory against Louise. Two veterans, two strong, confident women who can’t even fathom the notion of NOT making it to the three-way Finale. But one of them has to be wrong…



The heat is on. No, it’s not high temperatures. It’s the sexual heat generated by France’s aerobics class. The students are soaking wet, but not with sweat. And one student in particular…

Title Fight Aftermath

BXS-121_CoverLast week on the Basement Wrestling League, the Champion Jennifer lost her Belt to her male opponent, hugely-endowed Eduardo. Since Jenn has been having the hots for the Argentine Adonis for a while, she promised that if she won, she’d wear her belt as she’d let him fuck her. “After I win,” he replied, “you will service me as I wear my Belt.”

And so it’s time for the ex-Champion to pay her respect to the new Champ and pay her debts.

Payback Is A Bitch

BXS-119_CoverThink back…BXS-101…Mimi beat Jennifer in a sex contest and won a full night of sex with David. David was too spent to make it worth Mimi’s while to collect her winnings that night, and then everyone got busy and almost forgot about it…almost. But Mimi has an excellent memory.


Caribe and Jennifer

BXS-107_CoverThis week, you get a real treat! Not only do you get a GREAT sex contest between two of the hottest girls on the BXS website—Hell! on the whole Web!—but you also get access to their Championship fight FOR FREE!

Normally, the combat part of their faceoff would only be available to the members of the website, but as a bonus, you BXS members get a peek at what goes on when the sexiest women on the Web get primeval on each other.

Warning. This is NOT for that faint-hearted. There will be violence, sexual content, a clear winner and a humiliated loser. If you don’t like that kind of stuff, just stop reading after the sex part. But if you’re just not sure, please sample our very special universe.

What you need to know here is that Jennifer is the BWL Champion. Last week, Caribe fought her for the right to challenge her for her Belt and won—well, the referee disqualified Jenn after a few cheap shots. So for their next fight, Jenn’s Belt is on the line—and her boyfriend David.

BWL-293_CoverBut the night before the big fight, Jenn challenges Caribe to a sexfight to see which woman is sexually superior. She asks Caribe to meet her in the very place where they’re gonna fight tomorrow: the Pit.

So enjoy this DOUBLE story!

The Beat-Off Goes On

Part 2 of the sex contest between Jenn and Mimi

BXS-101_CoverThe five-minute break is over and Myriam will return to the titty bar stage presently. After going down…and going down to defeat to Jennifer and David in a sex contest, Mimi and Eduardo are getting a second chance to demonstrate their sexual prowess. Jenn’s tutoring of David sure has paid off. He’s a much more responsive lover than ever before. On BXS-100 she got him off long before Mimi could coax cum from Mr. Ed’s monster cock—then the Platinum Princess shoved Mimi out of the way and finished off the Argentine Adonis herself. But Mimi protested that was only Round 1 and dared Jenn and David to stick around for Round 2. That’s what is about to begin now.


BXS-100_CoverSome women will go to extraordinary lengths to hang onto their man if they think he’s straying or starting to lose interest in them. Myriam has such doubts and is well aware of what an attractive prize Eduardo would be to another female on the prowl. And why not? She recalls how easily she turned him away from Caribe only a year ago.

To prove her devotion to Ed and to demonstrate publicly that she’s the perfect woman for him, Mimi has issued an open challenge to any couple to meet them in a sex contest. Each woman will do whatever it takes to make her man cum first. She is certain that she can get Mr. Ed to spout like a geyser in record time. Jennifer and David wasted no time responding to Mimi’s challenge.

Cindy Who?

Jennifer & David (with Cindy watching)

BXS-93_CoverAfter spoiling Cindy’s hopes for taking the BWL Championship, Jenn also wins title to her foe’s husband David in a side bet the brunette now bitterly regrets.

Kim’s Challenge 2

BXS-67_CoverA few weeks ago, Kim made two guys cum in 2:17, and she challenged anyone to do better. Sophie failed, but Jenn thinks she can beat Kim’s time.

This follows a story titled Double Play posted later in the site. It just got posted in the wrong order here, so you should read Double Play first.