
Mad Panther

BSF-412_CoverSophie learned that while she was unsuccessfully challenging Jennifer for the Sexfighting Belt, Melanie was in the control booth fucking her man as they were both commenting on the action. Needless to say the Pink Panther won’t let this affront go unpunished.

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Brad Challenges Melanie for the BSF Belt

BSF-400_CoverMelanie shocked the BSF world when she beat Sexfighting Champion Jennifer three weeks ago. Jenn won her Title by defeating Czech model Hani and defended it against such powerhouses as Louise, Kim, Regine, Sophie and Ashley, but she couldn’t resist the plus-size, good-natured girl—although the Pigtail Princess blames the “Oil of Olé” for her defeat.

Tonight, Mel gets to defend her Title against Brad, Regine’s boyfriend.

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Synchronous Seductions 2

BSF-389_CoverWhen Sophie beat Jennifer in the BWL Octagon, she got herself a shot at the Pigtail Princess’s Sexfighting Championship Belt. But the thing is two months earlier, Melanie beat Sophie in a sexfight and promised she’d take care of her boyfriend Michel while they’d watch the video of her victory together. Sophie managed to avoid this consequence, until tonight.

The second part of a two-part Sexfighting Title Challenge, both IN and OUT OF the No Holds Bar Pussygon.

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Synchronous Seductions 1

BSF-388_CoverWhen Sophie beat Jennifer in the BWL Octagon, she got herself a shot at the Pigtail Princess’s Sexfighting Championship Belt. But the thing is two months earlier, Melanie beat Sophie in a sexfight and promised she’d take care of her boyfriend Michel while they’d watch the video of her victory together. Sophie managed to avoid this consequence, until tonight.

A two-part Sexfighting Title Challenge, both IN and OUT OF the No Holds Bar Pussygon.

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Couples Tournament Semifinal #1

BSF-345_CoverIn the first Quarterfinal, Regine and Brad defeated Jolene and Olivier. In the second, Melanie and Don defeated newly-formed couple Megan and Paul. This week, the two best couples face each other to see who’ll move up to the Grand Finale—and who’ll be eliminated.

And all the pressure is on the guys. They have to prove their love by resisting the other woman for as long as possible.

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