6 throughts on "Training Megan"

  1. Alice: I don’t want to go among the mad people.

    The Cat: Oh, you can’t help that. We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.

    Alice: How do you know I’m mad?

    The Cat: You must be. Or you wouldn’t have come here.

  2. I like the mutual learning experience angle, hopefully it will up Mack’s ante in the league.

  3. Great character building, hopefully only steps on their journey but I am looking forward to eventually seeing it pay off for both girls (albeit only after the other girls have had fun rubbing their deficiencies in their faces first). Always fun to see justice done……but only after injustice has had more than its fair share of playtime ^^.

  4. Sorry for the late reply, but I have had a…distracting couple of weeks.

    First off; THANK YOU. You’ve been building to this for awhile, and I am super happy to see how it’s paid off!

    As was stated above, this was a great character building piece, and I like what it says about Megan. Megan is one of the more complex BWL characters in that she has the least amount of life experience among them, even as compared to the younger characters such as Prudence or MacKenzie. Both of them are in college and both are obviously experimenting and discovering who they are. I imagine that Megan has only even been with Korey, and that probably happened very young…and you can see how quickly her mind opens up here. She’s a frustrated housewife with all these desires that she’s kept repressed and all these fantasies that she’s never had an outlet for until now.

    I love the way her mind wanders from just sex with MacKenzie to sex with Ed and finally to a threesome in the course of a few sort minutes…it’s like a dam has burst (in this cast, literally) and suddenly her fantasies are very much within reach of reality. These are all experiences that she formerly though she would never have, and so she repressed them. Now she could just ask MacKenzie and Ed to have a threesome and it could really happen. The only thing that was standing in her way was her own prudish resistance to indulging her desires, and MacKenzie has showed her that there is no problem in doing that.

    The thing that most excites me about this episode, though, is the potential for more and greater stories in the future. My obvious dream story would be Megan VS France in a titfight…though I imagine that will be teased out over potentially years, if it is indeed ever destined to happen…still, it is possible now, and I live in anticipation!

    Thanks! Great work as always!

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