
Synchronous Seductions 2

BSF-389_CoverWhen Sophie beat Jennifer in the BWL Octagon, she got herself a shot at the Pigtail Princess’s Sexfighting Championship Belt. But the thing is two months earlier, Melanie beat Sophie in a sexfight and promised she’d take care of her boyfriend Michel while they’d watch the video of her victory together. Sophie managed to avoid this consequence, until tonight.

The second part of a two-part Sexfighting Title Challenge, both IN and OUT OF the No Holds Bar Pussygon.

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Synchronous Seductions 1

BSF-388_CoverWhen Sophie beat Jennifer in the BWL Octagon, she got herself a shot at the Pigtail Princess’s Sexfighting Championship Belt. But the thing is two months earlier, Melanie beat Sophie in a sexfight and promised she’d take care of her boyfriend Michel while they’d watch the video of her victory together. Sophie managed to avoid this consequence, until tonight.

A two-part Sexfighting Title Challenge, both IN and OUT OF the No Holds Bar Pussygon.

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Ashley Challenges Jennifer for the BSF Belt

BSF-382_CoverAfter Ashley won Petr from Jenn three weeks ago, there was some confusion. As Chazlamborghini asked in the comments, “Did Ashley win the belt, and Petr or just Petr?” Some say beating the Champ makes you the Champ, whether the sexfight is explicitly a Title bout or not. Other say this sexfight was for PETR only and Jenn keeps her Belt.

But Jenn being the proud woman she is can’t tolerate ambiguity about her status. “I’ll give her a shot at my Belt right now and clear this up.” “To me and Petr, I’m ALREADY the Champ,” Ashley replied. “But if she wants to be humiliated some more, so be it.”

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Regine Challenges Jennifer for the BSF Belt

BSF-376_Cover“I’m tired of this platform where we sexfight. I want a venue where we can be rough without being afraid to fall off; a venue where we can start on our feet.” Well, somebody sure heard the Champ’s recriminations. Behold the new No Holds Bar Octagon, already nicknamed the Pussygon. And what better way to inaugurate it than with a Championship sexfight with challenger Regine?

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Couples Title Challenge – Jolene and Olivier

BSF-373_CoverIt’s been six months since Petr and Hani won the Best Couple Tournament. Since then, Hani—who was BSF Champion at the time—lost both her individual Title AND Petr to Jennifer. It took some time to decide, but the League ruled that if Megan could replace Caribe mid-tournament, so could Jenn replace Hani. And now, Jolene and Olivier are challenging the Best Couple. Jolene learned there was some foul play in their Quarterfinal and she wants a shot at the Title.

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